Monday, March 14, 2011

Suspect Located In Wisconsin GOP Death Threats UPDATE: Female Suspect Has Confessed

Original Post: Gatewaypundit

Posted by Lady Liberty on Saturday, March 12, 2011, 1:14 PM

The Wisconsin authorities actually located one of the loons who sent the Wisconsin GOP members death threats. They found the violent crackpot who sent this email to 15 different Republican lawmakers.
The Port Washington-Saukville Patch reported:

News that the state Justice Department has identified one suspect in connection with death threats sent to Republican state senators comes as at least a minor relief to Sen. Glenn Grothman (R-West Bend).

“They caught someone? Good,” he said Friday night. “I am waiting to hear the background of the type of person who would do such a devious thing.”

“The Division of Criminal Investigation takes these kind of threats seriously and will follow through with the investigation and prosecution whenever possible,” DCI Administrator Ed Wall said in the release.

“I and the group of people that are working with me have decided that we’ve had enough,” one of the threatening e-mails read. “We feel that you and your Republican dictators have to die.

The message then went on to say the “group” planned to shoot the senators, and plant bombs in various locations, such as their homes and cars.

“If you and your goonies feel that it’s necessary to strip the rights of 300,000 people and ruin their lives, making them unable to feed, clothe and provide the necessities to their families and themselves then we will ‘get rid of’ (in which I mean kill) the eight of you,” the e-mail continued. “Please understand that this does not include the heroic senator that risked everything to go aganist what you and your goonies wanted him to do.”

The second message was much shorter, and stated:

“(Expletive) you, (expletive). I am formally requesting to see the 30,000 e-mails you have gotten making you comply with the open records law. I assure you that none of them are in support of you or anything that you or your staff stand for. Your staff members have now been added to the hit list as well as those of the other Senate members we have threatened. Please advise them of the impending danger leading to their deaths.

Grothman said the threats made in response to the budget repair bill, and the passing of the revised version, are something unseen before in his nearly 20 years in office.

“We have never — you could add up all of the nasty emails and phone calls I have gotten on the first 17 years on the job — and they would not begin to match the obscenities we have seen from opponents of Gov. Walker,” he said.

WHBL is reporting that the suspect is a female.

The Wisconsin Department of Justice says it has located one of the people who sent death threats to elected officials during the controversy at the state Capitol. The female suspect wasn’t named, but the state says she was located last Thursday. is reporting that the suspect has confessed to authoring and sending two e-mails threatening to kill the Governor and members of the Senate.

Here is the text of the email.

I am reprinting verbatim an email that was sent to Republican senators. The email was signed, but I have deleted the name pending what I hope will be a thorough police investigation.

death threat against republicans

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