Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Ralph Nader: Impeach Obama for Libya, Crimes

Original Post: newsmax

Consumer advocate Ralph Nader is calling for President Barack Obama's impeachment, saying he is responsible for war crimes in the Ralph Nader, Barack Obama, Impeach, War Crimes, Middle East,Middle East, The Hill reports.

In an interview with the anti-war group Democracy Now!, Nader said Obama was as much a war criminal as former President George W. Bush.

"Why don't we say what's on the minds of many legal experts; that the Obama administration is committing war crimes; and if Bush should have been impeached, Obama should be impeached," Nader said.

"[Bush officials] were considered war criminals by many people. Now, Barack Obama is committing the same crimes," the former presidential candidate said. "In fact, worse ones in Afghanistan. Innocents are being slaughtered, we are creating more enemies, he is violating international law."

The difference is Bush got Congressional approval. Obama told them as an after thought. Yet he has to wait for the U.N. to take action? I didn't realize that the U.N. was duly elected by us and had legislative authority where Congress does not. Learn something new every day.

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