Friday, March 11, 2011

Madison Firefighters Local 311 forming a STRIKE COMMITTEE

Original Post: Vicki McKenna

by Vicki McKenna on Friday, March 11, 2011 at 9:44am

Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2011 2:42 PM



Local 311 members,

Local 311 is looking for members to serve on three different Committees. The Committees are listed below. If you are interested in serving on any of the Committees, please e-mail (deleted) as soon as possible. We would like to schedule meeting dates starting possibly as soon as next week. Along with the participation on these commitees we would like all members to be ready and hopefully willing to assist these committees in helping them with the actions and assistance that may be needed in the near future.

Thank you.

Recall Elections Committee - This Committee will explore the logistics and assist others with the planning and infrastructure of running Recall Elections for certain Legislators, and to assist "labor friendly" legislators that are facing possible Recall Elections.

Job Actions Committee – Discuss and assemble a list of possible job actions. Also discuss the possible impact of such actions or that of a general strike.The Budget Repair Bill specifically excludes police and firemen for this very reason. FYI it's illegal in Wisconsin for them to strike. Apparently the firemen of Local 311 don't care if houses and people get burned up. Unbelievable.

Boycott Committee - This Committee would discuss sending questionnaires or calling on contributors to Walker's campaign asking whether they still support Walker's anti-labor agenda or whether they no longer support his over-stepping agenda. Compile a list of businesses who are Walker supporters that we, and other Unions, can use to boycott, and compile a list of "labor friendly" businesses.Nice. I'm pretty sure I just saw this on an episode of "The Sopranos".


Local 311 sec./tres.

I no longer believe that unions only violate monopoly laws by their very nature. I now belive they should be brought up on RICO statutes.

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