Saturday, March 26, 2011

read the email I just received..shame on these teachers.

Original Post: Vicki McKenna

by Vicki McKenna on Monday, March 21, 2011 at 9:51am

I have asked for the letter, and will post it here as an update when I receive it. ALSO, if you have something like this happen, PLEASE call Sen. Grothman's office. He's cataloging these inane teachers politicizing their classrooms. AND contact the principal of your school IMMEDIATELY and demand a meeting with the principal AND the teacher. Demand that your child not be exposed to one sided political indoctrination. Get that assurance in writing, and an assurance your child will not be punished because of mom and dad's politics. That you all even HAVE to deal with this is outrageous.

You can all send me any info YOU have on teachers doing this in class. But please contact Sen. Grothman AND your child's princpal and teacher.

Here is the mail (and yes, I've edited out identifying info--too bad unionistas!):

I had a good friend call me last night upset over an issue that I believe is wrong and so will you.

Here daughter attends a school in the MPS system.

Last week, they were given an assignment to write an essay on How the Budget Repair Bill effects Teachers and students. Her teacher stood up in front of the class and of course ripped into Governor Walker and all disadvantages that this bill will have against their teacher and classroom. She did finish stating of course, this is just my opinion.

Yesterday, my friends 4th grader asked her Mother to read what she had started and she had written how the budget was going to be bad because of more students in the classroom and the students will not be able to learn properly, etc. My friend asked her daughter if she actually know what the bill was about and to explain it to her. Of course, she could only repeat the talking points of the teacher and my friend said that she Mommy and Daddy don't believe this way and you need to write an essay on a different subject since you don't know all the facts. Her daughter started crying and said that this was the only subject they could write their essay on, they would be graded and the essays would be sent to Governor Walker to ready.

My friend told her daughter that she could write the essay, but it would be how your mother and father believe it should be written. More tears as she's afraid of receiving a failed grade as that is not what she was taught in the classroom. I did suggest that she goes to the school and talk to the councilor, but also told her that if we can, this needs to get out into the public and of course, that is where you come in.

My friend is willing to give more details and even share the letter, just so her daughters name is not made public.

I also have a niece who was needing a ride to school. Her Mother grabbed the keys to the Van and my niece asked if they could use a different car because she was afraid to have her teachers see her in the Van that had a Scott Walker sticker on it. She's not embarrassed by Scott Walker, she's afraid she will get poor grades because she supports Scott Walker. This is also the same niece that was told by her teacher, "don't waste the staples because of Scott Walker, we won't have anymore staples when these are gone". By the way, no worries about the Scott Walker sticker anymore, someone actually ripped it off the car, although my sister is trying to find a new one to replace it.

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