Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Washington post reporter Ezra Klein can't read

"You can say two things about it [the Constitution], one that it has no binding power. And two. The issue with the Constitution is not that people don’t read the text and think their following. The issue with the Constitution is that the text is confusing because it was written more than a hundred years ago and what people believes it says differs from person to person."

You can say that it has no binding power, but you'd be wrong.

Wow, just wow. No wonder he finds it so confusing. He doesn't know what it says. The Constitution is indeed binding. In fact, all other laws are subservient to the Constitution. He is one of the liberal intelligentsia elite, the wise the smart. Yet he can't figure out the language of the Constitution? Yes, it's a touch old. It's not really that hard. Just get yourself a dictionary for some of the more archaic terms and there you go. If you have an ounce of critical thinking skills you can infer the definitions from the context (that means what's going on in and around the sentence.

So I suppose if a document is to hard to read you can just make up what it says. But he has a job. Someone paid him to say that and other people (including myself) watched him say it. Oh, and I'm also given to understand that he's a Political Science Major. I'd get my money back if I were him.

Well, this is for the Ezra Kleins of the world who have a hard time reading.


Apparently there is also a two year old child with greater comprehension of the Constitution than Ezra Klein

We all knew that there were two year olds with greater comprehension than Washington Post reporters, now we have proof. astoundingly

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