Monday, January 31, 2011

Toning it down and a tone of civility by Liberals

It’s Art… Madison Theater Kills Off Right-Wingers For Fun In Latest Play
Original Post: Gateway Pundit

Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, January 25, 2011, 7:09 PM

Here’s more on that new national tone…

A Madison Theater is running a play where right-wingers are invited to dinner and then murdered.
It’s art.

620 WTMJ and The Daily Page reported:

Five lefty graduate students in Iowa City gather for weekly dinners to revel in their shared (and sometimes smug) world view. The first dinner we witness ignites a surprising shared mission when one of the students invites the truck driver who offered him roadside assistance to join them. This young man, a patriotic Desert Storm vet, first startles the group when he insists on saying grace before the vegan meal and then goes on to praise Hitler, alarming and repulsing the other dinners. Threats and violence ensue, and one of the hosts stabs him.

As he lies bleeding on an area rug, the quintet, after some debate and initial hand-wringing, decide that they have done society a favor by eliminating him and silencing his dangerous words. They also decide that since participating in protests and sit-ins has been a futile way to fight the power, this new dinner party/murder method may be a more effective technique in coping with right-wing adversaries.

Soon a parade of special guests is invited to dine, and when their dinner conversation proves repellent, they are given poisoned wine and buried in the backyard. Our smarty-pants grad students toast themselves for making a difference each time and feel vindicated when they learn that their first victim, the trucker, was implicated in a heinous crime. The death toll grows, and the tomato plants seen through the patio door flourish.

Just blow up global warming skeptics
Original Post: Daily Mail

October 1, 2010 by Don Surber

From the You Tube citation: “Whippersnapping climate campaign 10:10 teams up with legendary comic screenwriter Richard Curtis — you know, Blackadder, Four Weddings, Notting Hill, co-founded Comic Relief — and Age of Stupid director Franny Armstrong to proudly present their explosive new mini-movie No Pressure. The film stars X-Files’ Gillian Anderson, together with Spurs players past and present — including Peter Crouch, Ledley King and David Ginola — with music donated by Radiohead. Shot on 35mm by a 40-strong professional film crew led by director Dougal Wilson, No Pressure celebrates everybody who is actively tackling climate change… by blowing up those are aren’t.”

Ho ho ho.

And you people who think that blowing up people you disagree with isn’t funny are squares.

It’s just jelly and bananas.

But it is not humor or satire. It is frustration. It is the fact that global warming believers cannot make a sane, logical and rational argument for their position. They call skeptics :deniers” as if we are a bunch of Nazis denying an event that actually occurred.

There is not a single prediction made by global warming believers that has come true in the last 25 years.

Not one.

And so they resort to violence.

Couched as humor — but not really funny.

No matter how smug they are.

By the way, don’t explosives release carbon into the air? Doesn’t the harvesting and transportation of bananas release carbon? I wonder what the carbon footprint was of this film.

From Anthony Watts: “What were they thinking? They weren’t, because this is going to have the exact opposite effect they intended it to have. I don’t have words to describe my disgust with the video.”

UPDATE: The organization has since made it a “private” video. Bluck, bluck, bluck. Well, they are Chicken Littles. But you can see how they made the film:

UPDATE II: A reader sent a new link. We shall see how long this lasts.

In light of the Arizona shooting the media/left has been telling us how our rhetoric is too heated, how we have to tone it down. It's the right wing speech that has caused the shooter to do this, even though everyone who knew him called him a left-wing nut job. But no, it's the violent right wing speech that has caused this and certainly not the compassionate, tolerant, open minded speech of the liberals.

I apologize for this but it's too funny.

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