Sunday, May 2, 2010

Families' aid to fugitives damaging

Original Post: JS Online
By: John Diedrich

Criminals on the run in Wisconsin turn to family members to hide murder guns, bloody clothes, stolen loot and other evidence. But the family helpers can't be charged under a long-standing state law.

Prosecutors across Wisconsin say the situation is common and hurts investigators' ability to solve serious crimes.

About a dozen states have similar laws. But Wisconsin's version is among the most liberal, exempting more family members and allowing them to even plant false evidence without fear of prosecution.

"That's incredible," said Scott Burns, executive director of the National District Attorneys Association, of Wisconsin's law. "The people who typically engage in harboring are the very people exempted - parents, spouses, children.  . . . It begs the question: Why even have the statute?"

A bill that would remove the protection for family members and add more prison time for anyone breaking the law has stalled repeatedly in Madison over the past five years.

A more limited version of the bill was introduced this session, but it hasn't gotten a committee hearing. And it is unlikely to pass before the session ends this month.

The current law helps fugitives escape the law, hampers prosecutions and creates unnecessary danger for police officers hunting for suspects, according to prosecutors, legislators and crime victims.

But defense attorneys and some legislators say without the current law, family members who think they are simply helping a loved one but don't have all the facts could wind up being prosecuted.

Wisconsin's family exemption law surfaced recently in the case of LZ Jolly, a Milwaukee man wanted for almost three years on a charge of killing James Reese as he lay in a bathtub begging for his life.

When police finally found Jolly, he was living with Angelina Wyatt, who knew he was wanted, according to court documents. She was charged but brought to court a Nevada marriage certificate showing they were married.

In most states, that marriage certificate would not have mattered.

But in Wisconsin, it amounted to a get-out-of-jail-free card.

Prosecutors dropped charges against Wyatt.

Shirley George's grandson, Joey, was murdered in Oak Creek a decade ago. The three suspects were helped by friends and family, according to authorities. One of the killers' friends was convicted of felony harboring in the case but received just four months in jail.

George has been pushing to change the law ever since.

"The message is just run home to your family and they will support you," George said. "We can't coddle those who aid and protect fugitives."
Law goes beyond spouse

State and federal courts have long put communication between spouses, such as confessing to a murder, off limits to prosecutors in criminal cases.

But the laws, such as Wisconsin's, exempting family members from being prosecuted for harboring a felon are different. They apply to more than just the spouse. And they stop prosecutors from charging people who have taken action to hide a fugitive.

Wisconsin's law against helping wanted felons dates to the mid-1950s. It says people who try to prevent apprehension of the felon by harboring the person or destroying evidence or placing false evidence themselves can be prosecuted for a felony. It currently carries penalties of up to 18 months in prison and two years' probation.

From the start, Wisconsin's law exempted the felon's spouse, parent, grandparent, child, brother or sister, later adding the phrase, "by blood, marriage or adoption."

The federal harboring law does not have such an exemption and neither do the laws in 36 states, according to a legal journal article from 2007.

Wisconsin's law has remained largely unchanged over five decades. The most recent change was in 2001, when the punishment was reduced from the maximum two years in prison to 18 months - tucked inside a 299-page budget adjustment bill. No author is listed in online legislative records.

Jolly himself was convicted of harboring a homicide suspect in 1996. He was charged because he wasn't related to the fugitive.

Jolly got the two-year maximum, but he ended up serving just seven months under old state law that allowed prisoners to be let off for good behavior after serving just a portion of their sentence.

Over 16 years, Jolly was arrested at least 18 times - on suspicion of murder, shootings, carrying guns, dealing drugs and more. He faced life in prison on the charge of killing Reese.

But he was offered a plea bargain with a much lower charge after scared witnesses changed their stories. Prosecutors said their case was hurt because of the time Jolly eluded justice, with the help of his wife and likely others.

Earlier this year, a judge gave Jolly 16 months behind bars - time he already served in jail awaiting a trial - plus five years' probation

Wyatt was charged with harboring Jolly but later produced the marriage certificate. Wyatt did not tell detectives she was married to Jolly when she was interrogated, according to a prosecutor. She admitted to detectives she knew Jolly was wanted for homicide in 2006 when she started letting him stay with her.

Wyatt's attorney, Syovata Edari, said the system worked the way it should - family should not be charged for helping a loved one.

"I think it makes sense," she said. "It is not fair to ask a family member to compromise loyalty and give up family to be prosecuted."

Milwaukee Assistant District Attorney Mark Williams said Wisconsin's law causes problems, especially in homicides.

"It is a terrible law," said Williams, head of Milwaukee's homicide unit for nearly 20 years. "Here, people can hide guns, hide bloody clothes and burn clothes, and I can't charge anybody for doing that. That is absurd."
Recent uses of the law

Williams and other prosecutors point to several recent homicide cases where family members helped suspects run or get rid of evidence. They include:

• Kevin Bohannon was robbed and killed as he walked through Mitchell Park on the south side in July 2006. The suspect's brother hid the gun, Williams said, but because of the law the brother could not be charged.

• Two months later, Special Olympian Brandon Sprewer was robbed and murdered as he was waiting for a bus on Milwaukee's northwest side. Again, the gunman gave the murder weapon to his brother, who hid it, Williams said. Again, no charges.

• In Kenosha, two teenagers are charged in adult court with killing a woman who lived next door in 2008. After beating her to death with a bat, they took an X-box, purse and money, according to a criminal complaint. The mother of one suspect stashed the stolen goods, a mask, gloves and other evidence at her sister's house, according to police reports. She hasn't been charged.

If prosecutors can show family members knew about a crime beforehand, they can be charged as a party to the crime. But if they help afterward, there is little prosecutors can do except perhaps charge obstruction of justice - a misdemeanor.

Langlade County District Attorney Ralph Uttke said he regularly sees family members hiding wanted people. Recently, a half-dozen officers went on a warrant to pick up a habitual burglar who was being hidden by a parent, Uttke said.

"We have law enforcement going out to look for these guys. They go in armed and ready. It creates a dangerous situation," he said.

If the law changes, prosecutors said, that doesn't mean they will automatically charge family members in every case. But as is, the law takes away prosecutors' discretion.

"You have to trust prosecutors," Williams said.
Legislation stalls

After her grandson was killed in 2000, Shirley George started pushing what she called "Joey's Law." Mistaken for another man, Joseph "Joey" George was killed outside an Oak Creek bar. Those charged included the son of then-Milwaukee police union President Bradley DeBraska.

Robert Jambois, a special prosecutor on the George case, said it shows the need to toughen the penalty, especially for those helping to hide the most serious criminals.

"It is one thing to assist someone who commits a retail theft. It is another thing to assist someone who abducts a child or kills someone. Yet Wisconsin statute didn't distinguish between them," Jambois said.

A 2005 bill would have eliminated the family exception and increased the penalty to six years. It passed the Republican-controlled Senate but stalled in the Assembly, also then controlled by the GOP.

A new version of the bill came in 2007, increasing the penalty to 10 years but left the family exception intact. It passed an Assembly committee, but didn't come up for vote before the full GOP-controlled Assembly.
New bill

Another version of the bill was introduced last year by Rep. Peggy Krusick (D-Milwaukee). It says family members can't be charged with hiding a felon, but they can be for destroying evidence. Again, it calls for a 10-year punishment.

The bill has stalled in the Assembly, where state Rep. Robert Turner (D-Racine) has not scheduled a hearing before his Criminal Justice Committee.

In a letter to Shirley George, Turner wrote that he had not held a hearing because the bill failed in past sessions, would cost money and didn't have bipartisan support.

However, one Democrat and seven Republicans have signed on to the bill. There will be a cost, but state agencies said they couldn't give an estimate.

Contacted by a reporter last week, Turner took a different stance. He vowed to schedule a hearing.

He said he was mistaken when he said the bill wasn't bipartisan. He said he is still concerned about the fiscal impact, but he also is troubled by the current law.

"If you are harboring a criminal, you are just as guilty as the criminal," said Turner, who voted for the earlier version. "That is a bill that needs to move."

Even if the bill moves through the Assembly, it won't get a hearing before the Senate committee that handles crime issues, chaired by state Sen. Lena Taylor (D-Milwaukee).

Taylor's chief of staff, Eric Peterson, said Taylor will not hold a hearing because of the penalties and ambiguity in the bill. Taylor, who once worked as a public defender, declined to be interviewed.

Peterson said, "A parent could be acting without any evidence of a crime and could in some way destroy evidence without even knowing it and commit a crime without even knowing, and that is a concern."

Krusick said even if the bill doesn't move this session, she plans to bring it back.

"A crime should not be a family affair, and aiding a serious felon should be a serious offense," she said.

If you want to contact key lawmakers about a bill that would change Wisconsin's law on harboring a felon (Assembly Bill 613), here is the contact information:

Key Assembly members

Rep. Robert Turner (D-Racine) chairman of Assembly Committee on Criminal Justice, (608) 266-0731

Rep. Michael Sheridan (D-Janesville), speaker, (608) 266-7503

Rep. Peggy Krusick (D-Milwaukee), bill's author, (608) 266-1733

Key Senate members

Sen. Lena Taylor (D-Milwaukee) chair of Senate Committee on Judiciary, Corrections, Insurance, Campaign Finance Reform, and Housing, (608) 266-5810

Sen. Russell Decker (D-Wausau), Senate majority leader, (608) 266-2502

Sen. Alberta Darling (R-River Hills), co-sponsor, (608) 266−5830

Other officials

Gov. Jim Doyle, (608) 266-1212

Need to find your elected officials? Go to
Other cases affected by the law

Kevin Bohannon was robbed and killed as he walked through Mitchell Park on the south side in July 2006. The suspect's brother hid the gun, Assistant District Attorney Mark Williams said. The brother could not be charged.

Brandon Sprewer, a special Olympian, was robbed and murdered two months later as he was waiting for a bus on Milwaukee's northwest side. The gunman gave the murder weapon to his brother, who hid it, Williams said. Again, no charges.

Joey George was killed outside an Oak Creek bar a decade ago. The three suspects were helped by friends and family, authorities said. Only one unrelated friend was convicted of harboring.

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