Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Interior Department Will Send "SWAT Teams" to Inspect Oil Rigs

Original Post:Associated Content
By: D.K. Ramakers

Lapdog Media that Accused President Bush of "police State" Actions Takes No Notice
In response to the ongoing oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, President Obama said today that his administration's "Department of Interior has announced that they will be sending SWAT teams to the Gulf to inspect all
platforms and rigs."

SWAT teams?

SWAT teams? For those who need reminding, SWAT stands for Special Weapons and Tactics. These teams were developed as assault teams to take on especially dangerous or heavily armed criminals. President Obama is sending these teams to oil rigs to "inspect" them? And doesn't anyone want to know why the Interior Department has them in the first place? In addition, there are almost 4,000 oil and gas rigs in the Gulf of Mexico. Just how many "SWAT teams" does our Interior Department have?

By the way, we're not the only ones drilling there. Mexico, China, and Russia, to name a few, have oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico. What will President Obama do about those? The short answer is nothing. That means that only American oil and gas rigs will be welcoming the Interior Department's SWAT teams.

Where is the media?

Maybe the term "SWAT team" is some sort of euphemism. Considering that the media labeled Sarah Palin's use of target bull's eyes on her campaign victory map as "inciting violence," one might wonder when the question about SWAT teams will come. The media loved the alarmist cries of "police state" under George W. Bush. Why aren't they concerned that President Obama is deploying SWAT teams from the Interior Department?

Another question is why it took President Obama eight days to respond to this disaster that is so urgent it requires SWAT teams and the involvement of both Homeland Security and the Department of Defense. Perhaps the media will jump on that at the next press conference?

Not just the Interior Department

The Interior Department is apparently not the only well-armed Federal agency. The Department of Education recently ordered 27 shotguns configured for entry teams and urban assault. You know, in case those Pell Grant
recipients get out of hand? The IRS, now empowered to enforce the Obamacare mandate, recently ordered 60 shotguns, also configured for entry teams and urban assault. Are white collar tax cheats, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner excluded of course, really that heavily armed and fortified?

The same liberal media and liberal "civil rights" groups that screamed about police state tactics and Executive abuse of power when George W. Bush was president are apparently unconcerned now.

But you should be. Keep in mind that these are just the guns and agencies we've heard of.

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