Sunday, May 16, 2010

Obama doesn't know how to use an iPod

He's just a pathological liar. He had to get rid of his Blackberry when he got into office and he claims not to be able to use an iPod? I have a shuffle, it has four buttons. Does he really expect us to believe he's that intellectually devoid? He'd barely be able to tie his shoes with that lack of brain power, forget a car. I realize his foreign and domestic policies would point to an ineptitude but certainly not to that level, he would be able to survive.

And just how did he get his speeches onto an iPod for the Queen of England then? He's just lying for its own sake. It doesn't even make any sense. I'm also sure he realizes that no one gets their news from an Xbox.

But perhaps he is technologically inept, perhaps he misused his trademark teleprompter in this bizarre speech.

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