Thursday, April 29, 2010

Deathwatch Press Corp.

"...Plus, if something amiss were to happen, there are no members of the press in the motorcade to report on any mishap.

That's the reason the press insists on being with the president wherever he goes at any time of day or night. Among ourselves, the duty is called the "deathwatch," a macabre appellation for an assignment more akin to babysitting than high-powered journalism. But imagine if there had been no press in the motorcade in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963. Our knowledge of the JFK assassination would be less than it is. It's from that incident that the moniker "deathwatch" is derived...."

My CommentsI'm going to get a away from the politics for a bit. I know you're asking yourself, if you're posting a story about the president leaving with out the press knowing, how can this not be about politics? That's a good question. And I'll answer it.

The press that follow the president is called Deathwatch, Deathwatch That's f'ing awesome! Deathwatch is a Space Marine unit assigned to Ordo Xenos...and the President. That's clearly irrefutable proof that we are the best country in the world.


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