Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Comedy Central afraid of religion of peace

Comedy Central censors South Park Mohammed episode

Original Post: UK Telegraph

Comedy Central, the television network, has censored the latest episode of South Park, following threats by a radical Muslim group that its producers could be killed.

The cartoon series made by Matt Stone and Trey Parker has attracted criticism throughout its award-winning run Photo: Paramount Comedy Channel

The second episode of a two-part storyline contained further references of the Prophet Mohammed, but his body was purposely blocked out while all audio mentions to him were bleeped out.

Comedy Central also censored 35 seconds worth of a conversation towards the end of the show between the characters Stan, Jesus Christ and Father Christmas.

It led to speculation that Parker and Stone had censored themselves as part of a joke or a wider commentary, but they issued a statement in response to Comedy Central's decision to alter the episode.

It said: "In the 14 years we’ve been doing South Park we have never done a show that we couldn’t stand behind.

"We delivered our version of the show to Comedy Central and they made a determination to alter the episode.

"It wasn’t some meta-joke on our part. Comedy Central added the bleeps. In fact, Kyle’s customary final speech was about intimidation and fear.

"It didn’t mention Mohammed at all but it got bleeped too. We’ll be back next week with a whole new show about something completely different and we’ll see what happens to it."

A Comedy Central spokesman said: "I can't go into the thinking behind it, but I can confirm it was Comedy Central that inserted the bleeps and not South Park."

Last week, the character was believed to be disguised in a bear costume. When that same costume was removed this week, Father Christmas appeared.

The bear costume had angered the New York-based group Revolution Muslim, which posted a message on its website saying that producers Trey Parker and Matt Stone had insulted their prophet.

The message included a gruesome picture of Theo Van Gogh, a Dutch filmmaker murdered by a Muslim extremist in 2004 after making a movie about a woman who rejected Muhammad's teachings. The message said the "South Park" producers would "probably wind up like Theo Van Gogh" for airing the show.

The posting included Comedy Central's New York address, as well as the address for Parker and Stone's California production studio.

Parker and Stone are known for waiting until the last minute before turning in fresh episodes. This week's episode contained no direct reference to the warning.

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