Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Union teachers do NOT make less than their private sector counterparts


An unknown number of union teachers are veritably rioting in Madison, making wild allegations of slavery, mass lay-offs, and union holocausts. One of the claims that these liars keep making is that they don't get paid as much as their private sector counter parts and that's why they need all these protections.

Well that's simply not true. The AFSCME web page entices teachers to their ranks with promises of pay 30% over their private sector counterparts. So which is it? You can't make both more than someone else and less than them at the same time. Both statements are, in fact, mutually exclusive.

For students of these teachers that means that they can't both be true at the same time. I'm not being condescending, but I realize that you're not being educated right now because the teachers are too busy illegally striking "for the education of the children".

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