Monday, February 7, 2011

Malawi To Make Farting In Public Illegal

Original Post: Reuters

By Jetpacker

Tue Feb 1, 2011 3:27pm EST

It’s comforting to know that at least one country in the world has their priorities set straight.

The African nation of Malawi — the country you never knew existed until Madonna adopted a child from there to be used as a fashion accessory — is set to pass a bill that includes new laws intended to “mold responsible and disciplined citizens.”

By far the most beneficial new law is the one that makes it illegal to fart in public.

That’s right, farting in public will no longer be just rude and discourteous to others, it will now be a crime. Which means farting will go on your criminal record.

Finally, a government that isn’t afraid to take on the most diabolical criminals.

Say all you want about armed robbery, there really is no crime more atrocious than crop-dusting in a crowded mall, forcing innocent and unsuspecting people to breathe in the foul gas that’s been fermenting inside somebody’s bowels.

These nefarious degenerates should be locked up for good in a room without ventilation and made to smell their crime for the remainder of their pathetic lives.

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