Monday, February 21, 2011

Democrats flee Madison, Wisconsin (with police chasing them)

Original Post: Hillbuzz

Never in my life would I imagine Wisconsin would become the most fascinating state for politics, but that’s what it is right now as the newly elected Republican governor and legislature stand up to the public employee unions that are crippling that state financially.

This is not the Cocktail Party establishment playing go-along-to-get-along games…this is what Republicans need to do in every state, coast to coast.

Grow that spine. Stand up. Be heard. Sock it to the unions and the rest of the Democrat machine. Do not be afraid of bad media coverage or being called “big meanies” for doing what voters WANT you to do to get the country back on sound financial footing.

Democrats have actually fled the city of Madison, Wisconsin in contempt of a court order requiring them to do their elected duty and sit for a vote to curtail the power of Democrat-supporting public employee unions.

Police have actually been dispatched to hunt Democrats down so that a vote can be taken, since the legislature is required to have at least one Democrat present for a vote to be cast.

Democrats do not want to curtail union power, since union dues keep Democrats in power.

This simple fact has never been more clear…as is the reality that curtailing union power is the only way we will save this country from ruin.

Keep monitoring what’s happening in Wisconsin. If that state manages to liberate itself from union control, just imagine what strides can be taken in Arizona, South Carolina, and New Jersey, where other assertive and take-no-prisoners Republicans are in office.

Just think: the Cocktail Party establishment could have saved this country from the current predicament it’s in if only it had stood up to the unions a decade or two ago…but all of those GOP consultants advised them it was much better to “go along to get along”.

But look where that’s gotten us.

Do you know of any other good examples of newly elected Republicans showing some toughness towards former sacred cows and the various apparatuses Democrats depend on to keep their political contributions flowing (at ultimate net financial detriment to state budgets)?

Could a revolution of sorts be now underway with Republicans who have actually broken away from their Cocktail Party establishment ways?

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