Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Pelosi thinks she's in the TEA party?

Nancy Pelosi said she shares a lot of views with the TEA party.

She thinks the TEA party is violent

That it's astroturf.
That they're neo-Nazis.
That they're terrorists.
That they're secessionists.
That they're racists.
weekly standard

Well, this get's the gears grinding. Now I wouldn't want to impune Speaker Pelosi's integrity because she's clearly an intelligent, truthful, wise woman who wouldn't lie (I know I couldn't get through typing it with a straight face either). So, taking her at her word and accepting the fact that TEA party attendants are:astroturf, neo-Nazi, terrorist, secessionistst, racists with which Nacy "shares a lot of views" this leads me to a very important question. Which one is she?

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