Thursday, March 4, 2010

Obama is too dumb to buy insurance

His story doesn't make any sense. First of all Obama has never had a "beater" he just didn't. Second, he said he was rear-ended. Well if he wasn't at fault, then the other driver's insurance would have paid for the repairs.

But this story leads me to one of two conclusions. Either he's just lying. Or our illustrious leader looked at his insurance policy and said, "Hmmmm this costs money and I don't get anything in return and they don't cover accidents? Well sign me up, that's a great idea."

I realize that Obama is too dumb to figure out how insurance works and he wants to control the content of insurance policies because he not only thinks that we're as dumb as he is, but presumably dumber because we need his help in buying an insurance policy that does...stuff.

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