Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Health Care Summit

I watched* the Health Care Summit. I noticed something very peculiar. Most of the Democrat speakers had letters written to them by their constituents. It seems that Democrat constitutions have a very strange way of speaking. For example after a farmer's health insurance increased, he gave the percentage of increase "for an average family of four".

That's a bizarre thing to say. I may say, "My electrical bill went up 30% this month." But I can't picture myself saying, "My electrical bill went up 30% this month for an average person of one." And then going on to give how this impacts the economics of my neighborhood.

Also, I learned that Democrat constituents are cry babies. I mean literally. Nancy Pelosi and several other Democrat speakers started with, "so-and-so came to me with tears in their eyes" "he was crying" "began crying" and so on. Really? I've spoken to a few Representatives of mine and others from outside my district. I've never broken down into tears before pleading my point, even on issues for which I'm very passionate. Come to think of it, I don't recall anyone else breaking down into tears at the mere presence of a Congressman.

Typical Democrat Constituant according to Nancy Pelosi

*with watched being defined as watching a bit, listening to most of it.

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