Thursday, February 18, 2010

Cornyn asks Obama if healthcare spies should rat on his own "disinformation"

Original Post: jillstanek

Yesterday conservatives publicized that the White House was recruiting informants on its blog to turn in emails and web addresses of those spreading "disinformation" on Obamacare, i.e., anything in opposition.

Today Big Brother's request remains up.

Prompting Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) to write a great letter to the WH reminding Obama of the First Amendment, requesting him to remove the request, and asking exactly what Obama plans to do with names, email addresses, IP addresses, and web addresses of people countering his healthcare disinformation. Great last line:

Do your own past statements qualify as "disinformation"? For example, is it "disinformation" to note that in 2003 you said: "I happen to be a proponent of a single-payer universal health care plan"?

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