Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Lousiana Democratic Senator Mary Landrieu Thinks South Dakota Borders Canada (Hint: It Doesn’t)

Original Post: Weasel Zippers

Product of government school education?

Looks like geography lessons may be in order for the U.S. Senate.

Louisiana Democrat Mary Landrieu made an embarrassing gaffe Thursday during a debate on the Senate Floor, stating that South Dakota borders Canada.

The Southerner seemed to have overlooked the state’s northern neighbor, North Dakota.

The comment came during a floor discussion on an amendment regarding a security fence, presented by South Dakota Republican John Thune.

She was trying to express her opposition to Thune’s proposal about constructing a 350-mile double layered fence along the Mexico border, saying that she places more trust in the opinion of Arizona Sen. John McCain — because McCain’s state borders Mexico.

“A smart fence which is what Senator McCain and I want to build – since he’s from Arizona, I think he knows more about this than the Senator from South Dakota, who only has a border with Canada that is quite different.”

Landrieu, 57, chairs the Senate Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee.

Her office did not respond to a request for comment about the buzz over the mistake.\

This isn't the first time a Democrat lawmaker has made huge blunders in regards to basic geography. Remember how much flak they gave Sarah Palin for her Russian comment? Peggy West doesn't know where Arizona is. Maybe Democrat policy is so screwed up because they don't know where things are. As though they're detached from reality.

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