Monday, July 5, 2010

Peggy West Milwaukee County Supervisor doesn't know where Arizona is

Apparently it's ok to support a boycott on a state when you don't even know where it is, congratulations Peggy West, you're a winner. It sickens me where I live in a world where some how this person: survived to adult hood, has the ability to cancel my vote, got elected to public office and is governing me.

On a related matter, I would like to congratulate Senator Jon Kyle for putting Peggy in her place. I was sitting down with MS Paint open getting ready to flame her when I found a Senator had beat me to it. Some times the only rational response is ridicule and humiliation because the idiocy of the left has to be pointed out in such a manner as to drive the point home to the masses and show them who they put in charge, and why they were wrong to do so, so they don't make the same mistake over again.

Update 6/25/2013: It appears Peggy West isn't the only geographically challenged Democrat official. Mary Landrieu thinks that South Dakota borders Canada and either North Dakota doesn't exist, is part of Canada, or is somewhere else. But they're the intelligentsia and Republicans are the stupid ones. Clearly.

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