Monday, November 12, 2012

The same media that calls Occupy a peaceful demonstration demonizes peaceful protest

Original Post:The DM online

I'm citing this article because another article refered to the protest as "a riot".

Hundreds of Ole Miss students exchanged racial epithets and violent,politicized chants What is a "violent, politicized chant"? in response to the announcement of the re-election of President Barack Obama.

What began as an argument around midnight quickly spread across campus.

UPD responded to a fire alarm being pulled in Brown Hall as crowds gathered near Kincannon and Stockard.

Just as all seemed to calm down, those in disagreement moved to the Grove.

UPD cleared the Grove on the grounds that it closes at midnight. Displeased, crowds continued to grow and returned to Kincannon.

UPD responded and forcibly dispersed the crowd.

“Disperse or go to jail,” UPD officers said.

So no one was hurt, nothing was damaged and this is considered a riot? I don't even know that there were "racial epithets".

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