Saturday, November 10, 2012

Election 2012: Voter intimidators meet freedom enforcers

Original Post: Examiner
On November 6, 2012, the New Black Panthers (NBP) were photographed outside an Ohio polling place intimidating voters. K. Williams posted a photo via Twitter of the New Black Panthers standing outside an Ohio polling location. These New Black Panthers were out in full force during Election Day across the nation to ensure Barack Obama got his share of popular votes.

One cannot prove if the NBP had an affect on enough voters to make a difference in the outcome of the election, but one thing you can be sure enabling any group to get away with such offenses will only result in more intimidation throughout the legal and political system.

Veterans stood unknown amongst the crowds in known polling areas where voter intimidation took place in the 2008 elections. Some former Army Rangers, Navy Seals, Delta Force, Green Berets and other ex-military volunteered to allow every American their right to vote.

As reported by, U.S. Navy Seal, Ben Brink told Fox News he is reaching out to former special operations veterans to help monitor the polls, especially in known area where there has been voter intimidation. Ben Brink said on the Larry Mendte Show, “The nation saw the video of members of the Black Panthers in Philadelphia intimidating people trying to vote in 2008. We are going to try and make certain that nothing like that happens this year.”

Brink claims to have over a hundred former Army Rangers, Navy Seal, Delta Force, Green Berets and others who have volunteered for duty. The idea of Navy Seals and Black Panthers getting into it at a Philly polling site gives a whole new incentive for casting a ballot. “Our guys aren't easily intimidated,” Brink added.

The intimidating New Black Panthers are a comparison to the Ku Klux Klan of the 60's and American veterans are a comparison to Special Ops of retired military personnel that still stand for freedom. Real winners never have to cheat.

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