Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Reedsburg Catechism teacher rants about Scott Walker factually inaccurate and unintentionally racist

Keep in mind this is a Catechism class. I took Catechism class and we didn't talk about anything like this. My class was, you know, mostly about the Bible and Christian teachings. This teacher asserts that 40% of blacks between the ages of 18 and 24 don't have drivers licenses and are therefore disenfranchised. Really? Really? I won't go over the list of things that an 18 year old can't do with out a picture id in modern day life (in Milwaukee that includes being outside after 10) but this is really a condescending statistic. It would only disenfranchise people if they were unable to get an ID. The voter id law provides for a FREE id for those who want it. So this teacher is saying that black people will be (and I want to make it perfectly clear that this is his thinking and not mine because I believe they are smart enough to get an id) disenfranchised from voting because they are too stupid to get an id and too lazy to vote absentee. He also says that Mitt Romney paid less in taxes than the student's parents. Again, really? Let's say the average middle class worker in Wisconsin pays 30% (which is way high but for purposes of this problem we'll let it slide), we also know that the average Wisconsin worker makes about $35k a year. Mitt Romney paid about 14% which amounted to about $3.2 million. Ok some simple math and....30% of 35,000 is....$10,500. This teacher is asserting that 3,200,000 < 10,500. Now I think why MPS is an intellectual void in which only about 8% graduate and can read at an eight grade level. Something, something wine and wafers.

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