Monday, January 23, 2012

OWS Goons Thank Supporters By Pi$$ing in Church & Looting Artifacts

Original Post: Gateway Pundit

Posted by Jim Hoft on Sunday, January 22, 2012, 8:33 PM

Donna Marinelli, of New Britain, Conn., foreground, and her cousin David Monarca, use their phones as they spend the night in a church space being funded by Occupy Wall Street for Occupy Wall Street protestors at the West Park Presbyterian Church in New York, Wednesday. The refugees from Manhattan’­s Zuccotti Park had found their way to the cavernous Presbyterian church, hoping to stay for a few nights, maybe longer.

The New York Post reported, via Styx Blog:

When the Rev. Bob Brashear prepared for Sunday services at West Park Presbyterian Church on West 86th Street, he noticed parts of the bronze baptismal font were gone.

In a fire-and-brimstone message to occupiers later that day, he thundered, “It was like pissing on the 99 percent.”

In Brooklyn, at another church housing OWS protesters, an occupier urinated on a cross, according to Rabbi Chaim Gruber, who has angrily abandoned the OWS movement.

In a letter last week to OWS obtained by The Post, the rabbi fumed, “The Park Slope church housing occupiers was desecrated when an occupier peed inside the building and the pee came into contact with a cross.

At West Park, Rev. Brashear walked into the church for a morning service to find the 18-inch-diameter bronze basin and lid missing from the baptismal font’s 800-pound base. Holy water — straight from the River Jordan — had been poured from the missing basin insert into the base’s bowl.

The artifact vanished just three weeks after a $2,400 Apple MacBook vanished from Brashear’s office. He told the occupiers that even when the 100-year-old Upper West Side church extended help to addicts during the 1980s drug scourge, no visitors touched its $12,500 sacramental instrument.

It was their special way of saying ‘thanks.’

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