Monday, November 21, 2011

Apparently it's ok to threaten governors in Wisconsin

No criminal charges for woman accused of threatening Gov. Walker

Original Post: WKOW

MADISON (WKOW) -- The woman accused of posting a death threat against Gov. Scott Walker will not face criminal charges.

According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Dane County District Attorney Ismael Ozanne said he won't file charges against Regan Cowan.

Ozanne said the Facebook post did not appear that it was meant to reach the governor.

So apparently it's ok to threaten to kill people as long as it isn't meant to reach your victim. Who knew? I always thought it was illegal to threaten people, especially elected officials. I guess the Secret Service has been overstepping their bounds. I'm being ironic of course. Please don't throw me in jail, I of course realize that the Secret Service is just doing their job and that it is, in fact illegal to threaten to kill people. It's just unfortunate that Dane County District Attorney Ismael Ozanne doesn't. It seems that I'm more qualified for his job than he is. In fact, I have called upon him to step down for gross incompetence. Dane County also contains the city of Madison, in which police allowed the destruction of recall petitions against sitting Democrats in front of them, but is now investigating anonymous allegations of the destruction of recall petitions against Scott Walker from second hand sources. It's interesting how selectively the law enforcement of Dane County chooses to do their job. As a non-Democrat I have no faith that I have any protection within the boarders of Dane County. And that's awful.

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