Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Warren Buffet demand that his taxes be raised, but not really

Warren 'Raise My Taxes' Buffett's Company May Owe IRS $1 Billion

Original Post: News Busters By Noel Sheppard

As NewsBusters reported Monday, American media almost completely ignored a report that Warren "Raise My Taxes" Buffett's company Berkshire Hathaway has been fighting with the IRS for almost a decade over taxes it owes.

On Tuesday, the organization digging into Berkshire Hathaway's numbers, Americans for Limited Government, estimated the total could be as much as $1 billion:

Using only publicly-available documents, a certified public accountant (CPA) detailed Berkshire Hathaway’s tax problems to ALG researcher Richard McCarty. Now, the American people have a better idea of how much in back taxes the company could owe Uncle Sam.

According to page 56 of the company report, “At December 31, 2010… net unrecognized tax benefits were $1,005 million”, or about $1 billion. McCarty explained, “Unrecognized tax benefits represent the company’s potential future obligation to the IRS and other taxing authorities. They have to be recorded in the company’s financial statements.”

He added, “The notation means that Berkshire Hathaway’s own auditors have probably said that $1 billion is more likely than not owed to the government.” Google News and LexisNexis searches have uncovered only the New York Post as a major outlet reporting ALG's previous revelations.

Now that the money involved is 10 figures, will anyone in the Obama-loving media address the hypocrisy of one of the President's wealthiest supporters?

Stay tuned.

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