Monday, September 26, 2011

Obama: We’re the Country that Built the Intercontinental Railroad!

Original Post: Lonely Conservative President Obama must have gone off the old ‘prompter while speaking at the bridge that doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of being one of his shovel ready stimulus jobs. His gaffe occurred while talking about all of the great things we used to do here in the United States, and all of the great things they do in China and Europe. But first, here’s Andrew Malcolm’s lead-in.

So here’s how the ex-state senator from the Chicago machine reacts: At an operating cost of $181,000 per hour, he flies Air Force One nearly four hours roundtrip for 17 minutes of remarks touting infrastructure repairs by a bridge that doesn’t need them.

The real reason he’s at the Brent Spence Bridge is because it links the home states of both congressional Republican leaders, John Boehner and Mitch McConnell. So Obama can cutely blame Republicans for holding up his jobs bill, even though it’s Nevada Democrat Harry Reid.

Obama turns the empty rhetoric into a pep rally for himself, leading the obedient audience to chant, “Pass this bill! Pass this bill!”

This guy, who will ride around in Secret Service SUVs for the rest of his life, has this thing for railroads that other people should ride in. So, according to the White House transcript (scroll down for full version and related stories), here’s what passes for Obama leadership:

And now, the gaffe! Drum roll, please!

Now, we used to have the best infrastructure in the world here in America. We’re the country that built the Intercontinental Railroad, the Interstate Highway System. We built the Hoover Dam. We built the Grand Central Station.

So how can we now sit back and let China build the best railroads? And let Europe build the best highways? And have Singapore build a nicer airport?

Intercontinental railroad? To where? And what’s this business about China having the best railroads? Really?

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