Sunday, October 14, 2012

Obama campaign staffer caught helping activist vote twice

Original Post:Newstalk 1130

Videographer James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas caught an official for President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign helping who she thought was an Obama supporter set herself up to vote more than once in November. Stephanie Caballero is the regional field director for Obama’s Organizing For America in Houston, Texas. Federal Election Commission documents show, according to Project Veritas, that Caballero is a “salaried employee of the DNC [Democratic National Committee].” Caballero is caught on camera helping the young woman try to vote in Florida and Texas in the upcoming election.

“So I spent some time in Florida, and I got my voter registration card for Florida. So and I know that we have you know it’s a battleground state there,” the Project Veritas reporter said to Caballero.

“Keep it, keep it… so you’re going to vote by ballot?” Caballero responded. “I’m going to vote by ballot and then I have mine here too,” the videographer answered, adding that: “it just really concerns me that if we don’t do everything we can we’re not going to win.”

Caballero then advises: “okay, so you have to make sure because after 60 days you can send in your application to vote by mail ballot.”

“So I can print that out for you. On Wednesday I’ll print it out. You just have to mail it or fax,” she added.

“Okay, or fax it back in so that I can do,” the videographer responded. “So they’ll send you a mail ballot,” Caballero then said. “A mail ballot, and so, and there’s no way that they would be able to cross reference that?” the videographer then asked.

“If you voted twice?” Caballero asked, seeking to clarify, adding, “I don’t know with you. I might just do Florida because in Texas it really doesn’t [count].” Later in the conversation, referencing the voter fraud, the videographer said to Caballero: “And let me know about that. I mean I don’t want to do anything wrong. But if no one’s going to know, like…”

“I’ll definitely look into [it]. I don’t want you to get in trouble at all,” Caballero promised.

The videographer responded: “Yeah, I don’t want to get in trouble. But like I said, if no one’s going to know I don’t have a problem with it, yeah. So anyway, but…” Caballero then said: “Oh, my God. This is so funny. It’s cool though.” O’Keefe then said “a few weeks later,” his videographer went back to the office to follow up. Caballero gave her a Florida absentee ballot application to “help her vote twice.”

After Caballero sets the videographer up to vote in Florida, she asked the Project Veritas investigator: “Are you going to do what I think you’re going do?” The videographer responded: “Well, I mean, if no one’s gonna know…” Caballero audibly laughed, then said: “You’re so hilarious!”

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