Thursday, May 31, 2012

Kris Barrett: Divide And Conquer

Original Post: WISN

Wisconsin Radio Network ran a Q&A with Kris Barrett, wife of Mayor Tom Barrett after she turned in his nomination papers earlier this year. Kris Barrett, you'll remember, illegally used state resources to politick on government time.

Kris Barrett has been stumping for her husband and is a part of his campaign which is why I am using her words against her.

During the debate Friday Mayor Barrett repeatedly brought up a phrase the Governor used when talking to a donor about his strategy, a common metaphor "divide and conquer."

I say it's common because, when she dropped off the papers, she told WRN, "He has faith in me. I mean, we have a short amount of time to get the word out and to get Tom's message spread and divide and conquer."

"Divide and conquer."

Tom Barrett repeatedly talks about Scott Walker's ideological civil war and yet, here's the Mayor's wife saying the exact same thing.

Tom Barrett is demanding that Scott Walker release emails that may (or likely will not) prove some sort of guilt. And yet he says nothing about the emails that prove his own wife engaged in illegal action at MPS.

I don't expect to hear much on the double standard promoted by Tom. (He kept referring to Governor Walker by his first name during the debate so he must love it when you fail to use an honorific.) Read more:

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