Thursday, December 8, 2011

Lefty comments on a story about a potential mail bombing

I'm going to post some comments on a story I found. I think this really shows the compassion of the left and those with the Occupy Wall Street mentality. If you think these are not OWS supporters and lefties than you have not political awareness whatsoever. Yes, I'm going to cherry pick comments because there are so many. But there are not a lot of comments condemning these actions or those of the other posters. There are some, but they are a small minority. I did not change the content in any way.

Original Post: Anarchist group may have sent letter bomb-German police

"FRANKFURT (Reuters) - An Italian anarchist group has claimed responsibility for a letter bomb sent to Josef Ackermann, chief executive of Deutsche Bank, and may have sent two more packages, investigators said on Thursday.

The suspicious envelope, intercepted on Wednesday evening, has raised fears that a wave of protests against the failures and excesses of bankers could turn more violent, and prompted police across Europe to warn banks to be extra vigilant..."

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