Monday, October 17, 2011

Occupy wall street protester shits on civil servant's car

Original Post: The Blaze

Have You Seen the Photo of the Wall Street Protester Defecating on a Cop Car?

The Daily Mail obtained this photo of an unidentified male who appears to be defecating on a New York City patrol car during the ongoing “Occupy Wall Street” protests.

The Daily Mail reported:

According to eye witnesses, when people ran to tell nearby police about the man defecating on the squad car they were ignored.

Standing downwind of the piles of rubbish, bankers walking past the man did a double take before hurrying away.

The shocking photo surfaced one day after Brookfield Office Properties — which owns the private Zuccotti Park where the protesters are camped out — railed against the protesters and said the park has reached unsanitary levels as a result of the cramped occupation, CBS reported.

According to the network, the property company cannot simply kick the demonstrators out because the park’s charter allows 24-hour public access.

“Normally the park is cleaned and inspected every week night,” they said in a statement. “Because the protestors refuse to cooperate…the park has not been cleaned since Friday, September 16th and as a result, sanitary conditions have reached unacceptable levels.”

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