Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Wisconsin’s New Jobs Account for More than Half of Nation’s Net Gain for June

Original Post: Macinver Institute

Madison, Wisc…] Earlier this month, analysts were dismayed by the nation’s anemic job creation numbers. On Thursday, state officials were pleased as they released data that showed more than half of the net new jobs added in the US in June came from Wisconsin.

“We have made difficult decisions in our state, but they are beginning to payoff,” said Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker (R). “The national job figures remind us that we can not rest after one month of good news; while there will be ups and downs along the way, we must help lead the nation to recovery.”

Using seasonally adjusted data, the 12,900 private-sector jobs created in June marks the largest one-month gain in Wisconsin since September 2003. The state’s net new job gain for June is 9,500 jobs, more than half of the nation’s net gain of 18,000 jobs for the same month.

Many in the past had given up looking for a job which removed them from the unemployment rolls – now they are back to looking for jobs. In June there were 118,800 total entrants to the labor force, up 15,100 from May. That boosted the overall unemployment rate .2 percent to 7.6. Wisconsin’s unemployment rate remains below the national rate of 9.2%.

Wisconsin has added 39,300 private-sector jobs since Governor Walker declared Wisconsin open for business,” Department of Workforce Development Secretary Scott Baumbach said. “Jobseekers and employers alike are reaping the economic benefits of the business-friendly environment that Governor Walker is advancing, and we encourage jobseekers to keep pursuing these new employment opportunities.”

State officials note that in the first six months of 2011, Wisconsin’s total private sector job growth of 1.7% has been almost twice the national rate of 0.9%; and in the manufacturing sector job growth has been more than twice the national rate, 3.2% compared to 1.2%.

Wisconsin total nonfarm job growth (1.4%) has been more that twice the national rate (0.6%).

Governor Walker has made job creation a focus of his platform, vowing to help Wisconsin’s private sector create a quarter of million new jobs by the end of his term. Administration officials were quick to tout the new numbers Thursday, with Walker holding a noon press conference in Milwaukee and Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch and Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation CEO Paul Jadin holding another in Green Bay two hours later.

Since January, Wisconsin has added 39,300 new jobs, with 14,100 of those in the ever-important manufacturing sector. Eight hundred new manufacturing jobs were created in the state in June.

Compared to a year ago, private sector jobs increased by 42,400 (seasonally adjusted).

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