Thursday, June 2, 2011

Election Panel puts hold only on Democrat recalls

Original Post: Big Government
by Brett Healy

If someone wrote this as fiction, they’d be laughed at. As the liberal special interests adjust noisily to being out of power in Wisconsin, events have now gone beyond parody. The latest from the “You can’t make this stuff up” file:

The Wisconsin Government Accountability Board has delayed action regarding the potential recalls of three Democrat State Senators. Since the GAB moved swiftly to certify the recalls of six Republican State Senators, some are reasonably raising the claim that the GAB is showing partisan favoritism.

They had publicly stated a desire to hold all the recall elections on the same day, however, because of the lack of action on the part of the GAB, the Republican Senators are scheduled to face the voters on July 12th. The earliest the Democratic Senators would be on the ballot would be July 19th, if at all.

As it stands now, none of the fleeing 14 are facing a recall. Six Republicans who did their jobs, albeit in a manner not to the liking of Big Labor, are on the ballot next month.

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