Monday, November 22, 2010

It's too much to ask for people to immigrate legally or show voter id but not too much to molest a little girl

The left tells us strang things.

They tell us that voter id is racist. Gosanangelo "..."

Why, then, do Texas Republicans now want to erect a new barrier that almost certainly would disenfranchise thousands, maybe tens of thousands, of voters?

GOP lawmakers, who are in the majority in both houses, are pushing voter identification legislation that would require Texans to show a photo ID in order to vote..." By the way, when I voted last time they didn't even ask my name.

They tell us is too much to ask felons not to vote. Eugine Kane "..."Sure, some will deny it's an attempt to discourage some people from voting.

But when a threatening billboard is put up by an anonymous group in many low-income neighborhoods , it's clear what's happening here..."

They tell us that it's too much to ask people to immigrate here legally. ABC News "ABC News’ Sunlen Miller and Devin Dwyer report: President Obama today joined top Congressional Democrats in urging Congress to pass a small piece of immigration legislation known as the DREAM Act before it adjourns for the year. The measure would give hundreds of thousands of young, undocumented immigrants a conditional path to legal residency..."

But for some reason it's not too much for the left to have TSA molest little girls. If this was anyone else they'd be in jail (and rightly so) for molestation and pedophilia.

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