Wednesday, June 13, 2012

NY to ban more food you like

Health panel talks about wider food ban

Original Post: Fox NY


The board hand-picked by Mayor Michael Bloomberg that must approve his ban of selling large sugar-filled drinks at restaurants might be looking at other targets.

The New York City Board of Health showed support for limiting sizes of sugary drinks at a Tuesday meeting in Queens. They agreed to start the process to formalize the large-drink ban by agreeing to start a six-week public comment period.

At the meeting, some of the members of board said they should be considering other limits on high-calorie foods.

One member, Bruce Vladeck, thinks limiting the sizes for movie theater popcorn should be considered.

"The popcorn isn't a whole lot better than the soda," Vladeck said.

Another board member thinks milk drinks should fall under the size limits.

"There are certainly milkshakes and milk-coffee beverages that have monstrous amounts of calories," said board member Dr. Joel Forman.

Mayor Bloomberg says the drink rules are an attempt to fight obesity in the city. It would limit food service establishments in the city from serving drinks bigger than 16 ounces but would allow refills.

The New York City Restaurant Association is fighting the proposal and is considering legal action of it goes into effect.

New York City voters oppose 51 - 46 percent Mayor Michael Bloomberg's proposed ban on the sale of over-sized sugary soft drinks, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Monday, June 4, 2012


Original Post: Breitbart


After much weeping and gnashing of teeth over the VAWA (which was contested due to the numerous poorly-written add-ons from the Schumer crowd), you'd think that Democrats would be quick to support PRENDA, the Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act, which aims to stop selective-sex abortions. You'd be wrong, though. They just defeated it in the House. Earlier today, Jake Tapper questioned Jay Carney on the President's position:

TAPPER: The House is, I think, this afternoon preparing to take up a bill that would ban gender selection as a factor in abortions in this country. And I was wondering - I haven't a statement of administration policy; I was wondering if the White House had a position on that?

CARNEY: I will have to take that as well. Been focused on other things, but I will get back to you.

Note: The White House got back to me this evening to say the president opposes the bill. White House deputy press secretary Jamie Smith says in a statement: "The Administration opposes gender discrimination in all forms, but the end result of this legislation would be to subject doctors to criminal prosecution if they fail to determine the motivations behind a very personal and private decision. The government should not intrude in medical decisions or private family matters in this way."

Shorter Obama: The government can fight to mandate birth control pills but is helpless to stop the publicly-funded genocide of females. Democrats created the phrase "war on women" back in February as a tool to attack the GOP and recently revived it during the fight over the VAWA. During this time Democrats have remained silent, as:

It was uncovered that the White House pays women on average 18% less than men.

And Democrats are once again silent as they champion Planned Parenthood while the clinics secretly work to selectively target unborn females for extermination. This is the true "war on women," the Democrats' "war on women."